You want to be part of Kastner Austria Company?

We are a traditional company that employs people with diverse characters, personalities and education. Between 120 and 160 nimble hands or 60-80 wise heads are active every day for Kastner. So that we achieve our ambitious goals, we are looking for people who want to take responsibility and help to shape.

Take a view to our vacancies and apply directly online. Or are you interested in an internship or apprenticeship?  We are always looking forward to your unsolicited application. 

Jobs Kastner

Als Erzeuger von Süßwaren ist der wichtigste Aspekt im Qualitätsstreben unseres Unternehmens der Kunde. Er ist letztlich der Maßstab, der entscheidet,...

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Jobs Kastner

Du findest die Herstellung von Lebensmitteln spannend und magst den Duft von frischem Lebkuchen? Du arbeitest gerne im Team und hast Freude an der...

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Unsolicited application

You want to be part of the Kastner team, but there is no suitable vacancy for you? Or are you interested in an internship? We are always looking forward to your unsolicited application. Please use our online application form.

>  Apply now